
Showing posts from February, 2013

Interview with EKA Software

Question Paper 1 Programming Questions Q 1. You have given two sorted arrays, where you required to find out the smallest number in the union of these two arrays. Q 2. You have given an array with randomly distributed 1 and 0 now you have set all 0 in beginning of array and 1 after that . Ex. [1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1 ] [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1] Q 3. Your program is getting one input stream now you have to find duplicate number in this input stream as soon as it received. Q 4. Reverse a String. Q 5. Implement a queue from a singly link-list. Q 6. How can you search a word in a dictionary ? Design Questions Q1.  Design a schema for Car rental service. Q2.  Implement LRU . Analytical and Brain Treasures Q1. you have to move digits to correct following equation. 62 - 63 = 1. Q2. There is a 18 wheelers truck which is crossing a bridge and this bridge can hold only 100000 KG, which is weigh by rig currently. While truck is in the middle of b

Interview with MORGAN STANELY

Interview with MORGAN STANELY 1. Stringbuffer and Stringbuilder 2. String Manipulation String s1 = "Sandesh"; String s2 = "Sandesh"; String s3 = new String("Sandesh"); String s4 = new String("Sandesh"); output: s1 = s2 s2 = s3 s3 = s4 3. equals and == 4. equals and hashcode 5. list and sets 6. hashmap 7. join() 8. wait() and notifyall() 9. cycles of thread 10. You are getting a big stream of big numbers. Now you have to design a DS, so that you can store only the unique values. 11. Now whatever system you have desinged, now check your system is compatible with following conditions. a. If numbers are ranging from 1 to 1000 and repeating a millions time. b. If numbers are ranging from 1 million to 10 million and repeating thousand times. 12. You are getting a big stream of numbers, now you have to design a DS which will store Latest Occurred number and 5 latest numbers. 13. checked and unch

Interview with Pegasystems

PegaSystems Pega Systems ask questions mainly on Java, for me following questions were asked during interview. 1.  Operator overloading presents in Java or not . Explain more about this. 2.  Overriding, how do you achieve polymorphism in java? 3.  String and Stringbuffer. 4.  Inner class and outer class concepts. 5.  Inheritance in Java: Given a programming problem by deriving class from  B to A . 6. Abstract class and interface: relate them and give a real time scenario.

Interview with Oracle Corp.

1.  Define ref procedure and why we use. 2. Scrollable cursor. 3. How will you create a cursor. 4. How can you create file pointer. 5. Exception handling in procedure. 6. Declaring cursor in pro*c

Interview with Browerstack

1. Which javascript framework do you use. 2. Difference between hashmap and treemap. 3. What are the ways to create threads. 4. What's the use of join(). 5. If two threads are sharing one resources then how will you achieve this. 6. Prototyping in javascript. 7. How can you achieve cross browsing on activex controls.


1. What's the jdk and jvm. 2. Why string is immutable. 3. What are the optimizations techniques in sql query. 4. What is the oracle objects.

Interview with TAVANT technologies

1. Difference between == and equals. 2. Difference between set and list. 3. Static members and static methods. Class a { Static int I = 0; Public void value(){      System.out.println(i); } } 4. malloc and calloc. 5. In in sql. 6. Destructor in c++. 7. Interfaces in java. 8. Memory assignment in c++ 9. what will be the output of following code. Class a { Static int I = 0; Public static void value() throws sqlexception{ System.out.println(i);                       } } 10. Difference between ArrayList and LinkedList.

Interview with VizuryAnalytics

Interview with Vizury  Analytic 1. Solve this mathematical Problem: Nominator:                         !1 + !2 + !3 + !4 ........!14 Denominator:                                        15 What would be the answer after division?                         2. Find the unique character in a given string which occurs first. Input: GOOGLE Output: L

Interview with Amazon, Hyderabad

Interview with Amazon, Hyderabad First Round Online Test on Interview Street  1. Write a program for finding lexicographic sequence in a given list. 2. Write a program for converting a Binary search tree into a Doubly Link list. 3. Write a program for finding Nth Largest in a BST. 4. Write a program for transforming its row and column into 90 degree. Second Round: 1. Write a program for finding overlapping pattern of two digits and change them to the 1 8. Example: Input: 1 2 3 4 1 2 6 6 7 8  Output: 1 8 3 4 1 8 1 8 7 8

Interview with Samsung SISO Bangalore

Interview with Samsung SISO Bangalore Written Test: 1. Questions based on C++ programming concepts basically Objects, Inheritance, Virtual functions, Function and Operator Overloading. 2. General Computer Science and OS Concepts. 3. Memory Management. Interview 1: 1. Virtual function and Virtual class in C++. 2. Pure Virtual function in C++. 3. Virtual Destructor in C++. 4. Operator Overloading in C++. 5. What are the operator can't be overload. 6. Define MVC Architecture. 7. Singleton design pattern. 8. If we have two View and one Model(Example Like one DB) then controller going to handle this. 9. How request and response works in Web. 10. Calls type in Ajax 11. How did you achieve Cross Browsing and write a code for this. 12. Memory concept from Address bus to Physical Memory 13. How can i call the base class function while all functions are defined as virtual. 14. Can we create object for Abstract Class. 15. If we will not implement the method of Abstract