
Showing posts from April, 2013

Interview with Amadeus Software Labs

Interview with Amadeus Software Labs     Interview 1: Q 1. What is the immutable. Q 2. how can you create immutable object. Q 3. How can you create jdbc connection from scratch. Q 4. How can you print hello world without calling. Q 5. class something{  static String n="Sandesh";  something(){   System.out.println(n);  } } public class staticExmaple {  public static void main(String[] args) {   something so = new something();    } } Q 6. Difference between HashMap and HashTable. Q 7. How can use a object in HashMap as a key. Q 8. What's the kernel loading in Linux. Q 9. What's the monolithic and Microkernel. Q 10. What is the thread safe. Q 11. which class, provides the wait, notify etc. Q 12. What's the static method, variable and block. Q 13. Which provides these jdbc drivers. Q 14. How can you print only duplicates using sql. Q 15. HashCode and equals contract.   Interview 2:   Q1. Difference between ArrayList and LinkedList. Q2. What are th

Interview with OATSystems

Interview with OATSystems   Q 1. Write a program to prints the linked list in reverse order using recursion and Iteration.   Q2. Write a program for giving number is power of 2 .   Q3. Write a program for finding the nth Fibonicci number using recursion and Iteration.   Q4. Find out the 3rd side of a given isoscales triangle. Two sides were 5 and 10.   Q5. What is the difference between a method call by value and call by reference.