Interview with JDA
Interview with JDA
Q1. Write a program for demonstrating polymorphism in Java.
Q2. How can you make a object's clone?
Q3. Write a program to find the loop in linked list.
Q4. what are differences between linked list and array list in java.
Q5. write a program for demonstrating dijkastra algorithm.
Q6. Describe equals and hashcode relationship in java.
Q7. Write a program for finding the factorial by iterative and recursive methods.
Q8. Write program for adapter pattern.
Q9. Write a program for Observer Pattern.
Q10. Write a program for singleton Pattern.
Q11. How the web-services works in java and in general.
Q12. What's JMS, can you create one connection string for this ?
Q13. Difference between HashMap and TreeMap.
Q14. How can improve the Query and DB Performance?
Q15. Write a program for searching number from a array of 100 elements.
Q16. How TreeMap works in the perspective of comparison of objects.
Q17. Check the following program correctly:
public void printa() throws IOException{
class B extends A {
public void printa() throws Exception{
public class overRideException {
public static void main(String[] args) {
A ob1 = new B();
Q18. Why we use HashMap?
Q19. Why we use cursors in PL/SQL.
Q20. What's difference between process and threads?
Q21 Write a program for implementing a queue using two stacks.
Q22. You have given objects with employeeID, employeeName and Salary. Now you have to use java based data structure for sorting these objects based on their salary.
Q23. What is the red-black tree?
Q19. Why we use cursors in PL/SQL.
Q20. What's difference between process and threads?
Q21 Write a program for implementing a queue using two stacks.
Q22. You have given objects with employeeID, employeeName and Salary. Now you have to use java based data structure for sorting these objects based on their salary.
Q23. What is the red-black tree?
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