Interview with Zynga
Interview with Zynga
Q1. Implement the search for the closest common ancestor of two tree nodes.
Q2. Write a method that recieves queen postions on a chess board and returns true if the queens are attacking one another and false otherwise.
Q3. Write a hash table implementation.
Q4. Bank of a web servers, tiers of caching, dealing with connection fan-in, etc (Do you understand systems and networks, not just FOR loops).
Q5. Huge bank of servers is punding data layer with connections. What do we do?
Q6. Implement a Hashtable. Chaining / Linear-probing, hash stuff.
Q7. Writing code to perform a binary search, determining max depth in binary tree.
Q8. How do you find the max depth of binary tree?
Q9. Write a class that does search and delete on a BST.
Q10. Implement tinyurl.
Q11. Write a function that calculates the degree between the minute and hour hand of a clock.
Q12. If there was a feature you only wanted to show to 10% of the users, how would you do so ?
Q13. Design an OO model for elevator.
Q14. Determining time complexity of sorting algorithms.
Q15. Write a program for Blocking queue problem.
Q16. Implement the btree algorithm.
Q17. What are some of the metrics do you think we use at zynga?
Q18. Implement the Btree algorithm.
Q19. Say DAU is increasing but MAU are decreasing (Over 3 months period), how would you approach this problem and what data sets would you work with?
Q20. Are you familiar with vectors, what are the most important concepts in programming etc.
Q21. Explaing automicity and deadloacks.
Q22. Closure in javascript.
Q23. Write a program for finding loop in LinkList.
Q24. Write a program for shuffling a deck by using knuth algorithm.
Q25. Implement a queue in java using array.
Q26. Implement a blocked queue in java.
Q27. Write a program for converting a string into integer.
Q28. Design some header functions for a class deck that contains playing cards which are as follows..
Q29. Scheduling, Paging and Virtual Memory.
Q30. Network operations.
Q31. n=4 and k=3, team name can be formed by four digits 1,2,3,4. so n = 4 now make team number using any three digits so that b1Q32. Write a function which take two numbers a and b and returns a.b eg: a=10 and b = 12 output will be 10.12.
Q33. Socket connection.
Q34. Strong Typing and Static Typing, what duck typing.
Q35. MVC patterns and abstract factory pattern.
Q36. GOF Pattern
Q37. Software Architecture Pattern
Q2. Write a method that recieves queen postions on a chess board and returns true if the queens are attacking one another and false otherwise.
Q3. Write a hash table implementation.
Q4. Bank of a web servers, tiers of caching, dealing with connection fan-in, etc (Do you understand systems and networks, not just FOR loops).
Q5. Huge bank of servers is punding data layer with connections. What do we do?
Q6. Implement a Hashtable. Chaining / Linear-probing, hash stuff.
Q7. Writing code to perform a binary search, determining max depth in binary tree.
Q8. How do you find the max depth of binary tree?
Q9. Write a class that does search and delete on a BST.
Q10. Implement tinyurl.
Q11. Write a function that calculates the degree between the minute and hour hand of a clock.
Q12. If there was a feature you only wanted to show to 10% of the users, how would you do so ?
Q13. Design an OO model for elevator.
Q14. Determining time complexity of sorting algorithms.
Q15. Write a program for Blocking queue problem.
Q16. Implement the btree algorithm.
Q17. What are some of the metrics do you think we use at zynga?
Q18. Implement the Btree algorithm.
Q19. Say DAU is increasing but MAU are decreasing (Over 3 months period), how would you approach this problem and what data sets would you work with?
Q20. Are you familiar with vectors, what are the most important concepts in programming etc.
Q21. Explaing automicity and deadloacks.
Q22. Closure in javascript.
Q23. Write a program for finding loop in LinkList.
Q24. Write a program for shuffling a deck by using knuth algorithm.
Q25. Implement a queue in java using array.
Q26. Implement a blocked queue in java.
Q27. Write a program for converting a string into integer.
Q28. Design some header functions for a class deck that contains playing cards which are as follows..
Q29. Scheduling, Paging and Virtual Memory.
Q30. Network operations.
Q31. n=4 and k=3, team name can be formed by four digits 1,2,3,4. so n = 4 now make team number using any three digits so that b1
Q33. Socket connection.
Q34. Strong Typing and Static Typing, what duck typing.
Q35. MVC patterns and abstract factory pattern.
Q36. GOF Pattern
Q37. Software Architecture Pattern
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