Interview with SCA Technologies !!!

Interview with SCA Technologies

Round 1: It was a round from Director of Engineering from US. He has asked about my projects, technologies used, tools used, research paper content and theory behind. Domain expertise and said further rounds will be there.

Round 2: Technical round for JAVA, he asked following questions.
1. Tell me contract between the hashcode and equals.
2. Object orientation in java script .
3. Closures in javascript.
4. Most used collection in java ? I have answered  HashMap, then he asked, how Hash Key works. If two hash keys are same then how it's value get retrieve.
5. Asked multithreading questions: What is the thread and How we can create.

Round 3: Technical Round for Spring and Design Patterns
1. What is Dependency Injection ? And How this is different from new operator.
2. Describe singleton pattern, and give a proper example for it.
3. Describe the bridge pattern and the use of it.
4. How the annotation base autowiring is different from old pojo based spring beans?

Round 4: Data Base Technical Round and Design
1. Write a SQL query for finding second maximum.
2. Design a table structure for employee and salary system.
3. What is the indexing and how this useful in current data base systems.

Round 5: Design Round
1. Create a object oriented design for modelling Order Management System.

Round 6: HR and Personal Behaviour Round
1. Why do you want to change your current organization.
2. What are your strengths and weaknesses.
3. What is your expectation with SCA if you will join.

Round 7: Project Management and Team Planning
1. When did you face a big trouble in last and current organization.
2. Have you any leaded a team.
3. How do you do estimations and Planning.
4. Do you know any design and modelling tool. ex: UML etc.

Round 8: Salary and Final Call Round
1. What's your expectations.
2. How do you want to proceed in your career.


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